Friday, June 20, 2008

Friday Feature: How to Become an Award Winning Company

Part 3: Winning an Award

Congratulations! Your company has won an award. Now what? First things first – you have to let people know that you are the best. As we said in Part 1, awards can help strengthen your brand and present your company as a major player. With this win, you can start telling current and potential customers just how noteworthy your company and products are.

A press release is a perfect way to do just this. Make sure that your release is carefully crafted to ensure that all news communicated is “on message” and targeted to create the greatest possible media exposure. Next, ensure that you are sending the release to the correct contacts. You want to make sure that you receive maximum coverage in your industry’s most influential media outlets.

After you’ve sent out your release, you also want to make sure to post it on your website. This allows additional coverage for those who may not have seen the release, but are doing research on your company.

So what’s next? Start the process all over again. After all, awards show your customers, current and future, that you have the killer combination of a quality product from a quality company.

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