Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Broadband to become a civil right

Wow, talk about a drastic call! According to today’s Fierce Telecom the Federal Communications Commission has told an audience at Carnegie Mellon University that access to high-speed broadband should be made available to all US Citizens as a ‘civil right’.

So right there next to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness every American should be guaranteed a high-speed Internet connection. The thought of it sounds quite laughable, yet the US looks set to turn around its broadband access to position it as essential for everyday life and change its status as currently ranking 15th among developed nations in broadband use per capita.

Speaking at the University, Commissioner Copps stated; "No matter who you are, or where you live, or how much money you make ... you will need, and you are entitled to have these tools (broadband Internet) available to you, I think, as a civil right."

Talk about dramatic!

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